Need help finding a new home for your cat or dog? Finding a vet nearby? We've compiled as many resources as possible for you below based on the many phone calls, emails, and questions we get each day.

Need help re-homing your pet? Find other New England rescues for cats and dogs. We've also listed find dog rescues based on breed.

All dogs should be trained. It keeps them and their owners happier while giving the dog something to put their energy into. Plus, everyone loves a good grooming! Coming soon!

Sometimes prices can be a little high. If you're looking for something to subsidize the cost of owning a pet, check out these resources.
Owning a pet can benefit people as much as the animal. Lowering blood pressure, encouraging healthy activities like walks, and having someone to love and care for.

Finding a quality Vet near you can sometimes be a hard task. These places also Spay/ Neuter pets.

Starting with a new pet is hard. We've provided a list of needs and prefered items for you to purchase in order to take on a new furry friend!

Keep your pet's vaccinations up to date to keep your pet as happy and healthy as possible. Here is a list of facilities that can help you help your pet. Coming soon!

Unleashing hope™ for military veterans and shelter animals so that each may face a more promising future.
To uplift veterans' lives and give them a renewed sense of purpose by inspiring them to adopt the most vulnerable shelter animals – for life.